Home Watch Services
Roadrunner Home Watch provides a service that is designed to give you the security and peace of mind while you are away from your Arizona home that you deserve.
-Check security of all doors and windows
-Check exterior of Home for bugs or signs of animal occupancy
-Clear front porch of any papers or debris.
-Check front of home for landscaping issues
-Check rear of home for landscaping issues
-Ensure trash receptacles are placed out for emptying and returned to storage location the next day.
-Inspect pool/hot tubs as necessary to ensure maintenance is being conducted regularly.
-Check outside water spigots for leaks
-Retrieve mail and forward as desired (Additional fee for forwarding services)
-Inspect interior of home for signs of bugs or animal
-Check thermostat setting and functioning
-Place water buckets throughout house ( up to 5) and refill on each visit
-Water indoor plants (up to 5) (cannot guarantee health of plants)
-Run all faucets checking for leaks
-Flush all toilets checking for leaks.
-Run Dishwasher
-Run Garbage disposal
-Run washer/dryer
-Unplug all appliances owner wants unplugged
-Check garage for security
-Lock or unplug garage door.
-Check water heater for leaks
-Turn off or unplug water heater as necessary.
-Check water softener for leaks
-Attach vehicle to trickle charger to maintain battery.
-Turn off main water supply to house.
-Other services as needed or arranged.